Monday, July 19, 2010

R1P2D7 - 232.6 (-1) I'm done.

Yes, I lost 1 pound. But after thinking about it, I should have been down 7-10 pounds by now. So, I'm moving on to a better strategy.

I am placing my order for the real stuff from right now.

I am ordering 5 vials of 2000ui Corion so that I can mix often and don't have potency issues. I am planning on doing the make it simple.

I am still going to try and eat better until I get my shipment. But yea....

Heck, I may still drop a few pounds while I am waiting for my shipment, who knows.

I plan to still blog while I'm waiting gives me an odd sense of release to yack about my day...and I will try to post what I eat, as well...just so I have a record of what I have been eating while I'm waiting.

So no fake HCG for me today...I wish I was hungry. I need a Coke Zero. :P


1 Hamburger with everything (no cheese or mayo)
1 handful of tater-tots (ARGH!!!)
1 diet coke

Boy...what a kick off to eating right. I took my son and his friend's to the burger place for "payment" for mowing my 1.5 acres and yea...I caved. Dumb part was...I wasn't even hungry. Oh well...


  1. Congrats on the loss AND on ordering the real deal! So long as you follow the protocol, you'll do GREAT.

  2. Yea...I just need to get some mix/injecting supplies and I'm good to go. And I think re-starting this in a couple weeks after I start my job will be better in the long run...more routine. My schedule is all out of whack with me not working, lol. I was having to set alarms for dosing and eating...I would rather just take a shot in the at the company aproved lunch time and then eat dinner when I get home. No alarms...except on weekends maybe.

  3. SO glad to hear you're ordering the real stuff!! Excellent!!

    You're going to have a whole different experience with the real hcg. You're gonna luv it- Look at helderheid's website for a link to where to order the mixing supplies, on her 'Menu'. She also has mixing instructions there.

    Hang in there- Its going to get a whole lot better!!

  4. Hey Maggie,
    Good decision and good logic on waiting until you are back into the work routine and on scheduled eating times.
    Just wanted to let you know that I lef a *Versatile Blogger Award* for you on my blog. I am rooting for you.

  5. Thanks so much, y'all! :D

    And Kathryn...I saw it, I'm working on the response post, lol :)
