Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Waiting Day 14 - So Busy!

Sorry for the missed posts but man, getting back into the swing of things as far as work goes is harder that I thought. I have been coming home at 6 and have been asleep by 8 every night this week! But needless to say, I'm LOVING my job. Anyway...

I got my supplies yesterday and my TOM on Monday so I'm thinking that I will start my loading on Saturday. I wonder how hard this is going to be with me working.

Couple questions:

Where can I get HCG safe lemon pepper?
Are two small-medium tomatoes OK to eat with my 100g of protein per meal and is there a limit on tomatoes?

I am wondering what else I did wrong during my 1st attempt at this diet, other than not taking HCG.

Oh well, back to work.

Til' later!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maggie- BIG Congratulations on your new job!! I'm so glad that you are enjoying it- it really give you a great sense of confidence when you have a place to go (a job), you like your work, and you like your co-workers.

    Mrs. Dash makes a lemon pepper. You'll need to check your calories to see if you have the calories to spend on 2 small tomatoes. There's no limit on tomatoes, but you are limited by your calories per day. You are allowed 500 calories per day. If, after you've subtracted for your protein calories, and you have enough calories left over for the tomatoes at lunch, and enough calories left over for dinner veggies, and your daily fruits, THEN enjoy your 2 small tomatoes.

    Ask away if you have any other questions! You're going to have a great round this time!!
